Unsecured Bad Credit Personal Loan

Monday, January 2, 2017

Personal Loans With Bad Credit

There was a time when advisers would warn people that should their credit scores fall too low, that the path to a personal loan would be effectively bricked up for good. This is not actually the case. The economic realities of recent years dictates that even those with low scores are entitled to a loan, though the personal loans with bad credit on offer do come on less favorable terms. That fact is somewhat understandable, of course, given that the lenders offering personal loans for those with bad credit are clearly taking a larger risk than if the applicants had a perfect credit history.

Nevertheless, the availability of loans for personal use, not for a clearly defined purpose, is something of a relief to those concerned. With that in mind, most are quite happy to accept the opportunity and to use it wisely to get back on financial track.

This is something lenders take into account. After all, most people have found themselves in difficult circumstances through no fault of their own, with the market the culprit, and lenders recognize this fact.

To say that personal loans with bad credit have no set purpose is not completely accurate. These loans are generally used to consolidate existing debts.

In that sense, marketing personal loans for those with bad credit is a strategic move by lenders to recover their own share of a faltering economy. And while they may be loans for personal use, the reasons for an application are generally clearly understood. Basically, they can alleviate the overall debt.

Credit Card Debt

A personal loan with bad credit is especially useful when trying to clear a relatively large debt in one go. A perfect example of this is credit card debt, with one credit card alone perhaps running up to $10,000 in debt. As we all know, the problem with credit cards is that the interest rate can worsen the situation, mounting up pressure very quickly.

A loan large enough to clear the credit card debt in one swoop is preferable, and personal loans for those with bad credit are the only option. Banks may be happy to provide loans for personal use, if the personal use is to clear a credit card debt. However, online lenders do tend to offer the best deals.

Overdue Bills

The pressures of keeping up to date on household bills, like electricity bills for example, can become too much. A personal loan with bad credit could be what is needed to get on top of things again. These tend to be much less than the kind of debts that build with credit cards, with perhaps $5,000 or $6,000 enough to clear the combined costs of electricity, phone and those general extras that come with running a home.

This is where loans for personal use are most apt, as it can cover practically anything. With that in mind, personal loans for those with bad credit are clearly the ideal answer to the problem.

Other Loans

Finally, any loans that may have been taken out before the crisis hit, still need to be repaid. This can mean a very large personal loan with bad credit is needed.

Perhaps, between a home improvement loan, an auto loan and an outstanding personal loan, as much as $100,000 is owed. The repayments for all three can be $2,500 or more per month. If a loan can be secured to clear that debt, and have repayments of less than $2,500, then progress can be made.

While the large sum may provide some concern from lenders, the point of offering a personal loan for those with bad credit is to provide the chance to regain financial control. Therefore, large loans for personal use can be secured and be used to clear debts and reduce the financial pressure.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

$15,000 Unsecured Loans

Extra cash can be much more than just a welcome arrival – it can be a lifesaver. Thankfully, the chances of getting unsecured loans for bad credit management purposes are much better that many think. We all love to get cash injections, even at the best of times. But when our debts are mounting, and we’re struggling to meet them, the welcome injection can actually be a necessary aid to keeping ourselves afloat. But in these circumstances, it can be difficult to get unsecured loans, for bad credit borrowers especially.

The trouble is in convincing lenders that granting even a modest-sized loan, even $15,000, is not as major a risk as the credit scores seem to suggest. And the good news is that applicants seeking loan approval without collateral do have viable options.

However, there are criteria to meet and compromises to accept before any deal on an unsecured loan can be signed. And having the loan application in good order is essential.

Is A Loan Worthwhile?

It might seem impractical to get a loan when already under financial pressure, but it can be a worthwhile investment. By using the funds from an unsecured loan for bad credit purposes, some of the debt can be cleared.

More importantly, as long as the terms of the new loan are good, with the monthly repayments lower that the repayments of the debts cleared, the financial pressure is actually alleviated. The result is that even getting loan approval without collateral translates to an improved financial situation.

With extra cash freed up, it provides an opportunity to gradually clear the remaining debt completely. And in the long run, this means a higher credit score, lower interest rates on future unsecured loans, and a vastly improved debt-to-income ratio.

The Trouble With Unsecured Loans

The key issue that comes with applying for unsecured loans for bad credit purposes is that the terms can be quite poor. Secured loans offer lenders a source of compensation should the borrower default on the repayments, but no security leaves the lender carrying all of the risk.

As a consequence, the interest rates charged are higher than normal, while the loan limits are usually low. This is why a $15,000 loan can be hard to secure, but be aware that securing loan approval without collateral is never impossible.

This is because loans – especially unsecured loans - are approved on the basis of affordability. So, the employment and income situation takes precedence over any credit score, and the amount of excess income available to make repayments dictate whether approval is forthcoming.

Tricks to Help Get Approval

So, how can approval be secured? Well, there are a few ways to do this, not least telling the lender that the application is for a unsecured loan for bad credit management purposes – basically to pay off debts. Lenders like to know the applicant is being constructive with their money.

Improving your credit score in advance of an application is another worthwhile move. Take out a small payday loan, and use it to catch up on arrears. When the application is submitted, the credit score is slightly higher and signs of genuine improvement are evident.

Lenders do not like to grant loan approval without collateral, but adding a cosigner to the application is one way around the problem. They are effectively guarantors for the loan, promising to make any repayments the borrower is unable to make. And with repayments guaranteedFind Article, the interest rate is lowered and the unsecured loan becomes more affordable.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Get Debt Consolidation Loans With Bad Credit

When there are a lot of debts to pay, and not enough money coming in, the pressure to clear debts can become extreme. Bad credit can make it difficult to secure funds to alleviate the problem, but it is possible to secure a debt consolidation loan with bad credit. This means there is always an option for bad credit borrowers to turn to. Generally speaking, securing large loan approval is pretty difficult when bad credit scores are involved, but consolidation is one loan type all of its own. The specific purpose is to ensure an improved financial position, and that is why lenders are more open to approving them.

But what is needed to secure a debt consolidation loan, and in what way can the loan be of any real benefit? Perhaps even more significant is how to find the right lender willing to provide such a loan with affordable terms.

Why Consolidation Is A Solution

It is easy to understand why some bad credit borrowers hesitate to seek another large loan when they already have a lot of debt on their plate. But it is worth repeating that consolidation is about improving the financial situation, not worsening it. With this in mind, getting a debt consolidation loan with bad credit is arguably the best move to make.

Such loans work because the funds are used to buy out the remaining balances on all existing debts and loans. For example, if there are 4 outstanding debts, of $2,000, $3,000, $5,000 and $7,000, then a consolidation loan of $17,000 can be used to pay them off in one go. Getting large loan approval might be difficult but for such a proactive purpose, it is easier.

However, the tactic only works when the terms of the debt consolidation loan are such that the monthly repayments are lower than the combined repayments of the original debts. This means that cash can be freed up for other purposes, as the pressure is lessened.

Sources Of Consolidation Loans

When it comes to seeking a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, there are two sources to apply to. The first is an ordinary lender, while the second is a debt consolidation company. However, the kind of terms secured from these lenders can be very different.

An ordinary lender basically offers a normal loan but granting large loan approval is dependent on the funds being used to clear debts. The interest rates can be competitive, especially if secured from an online lender, and the repayment terms can be anything from 5 years to 30, depending on the size of the loan taken out.

Getting a debt consolidation loan from a company has its advantages, with the company essentially buying out the debts on your behalf and then seeking to be reimbursed over a given period. Approval is more likely, but the interest charged is usually higher and there are extra charges.

Choosing Your Lender

Of course, as with everything else, it is important to know who the lender is before agreeing to sign any loan agreement. When getting a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, it is important to watch out for extra or hidden charges, so that the true extent of the costs can be ascertained.

But, there are also risks relating to the trustworthiness of the lender. There are plenty of unscrupulous operators online, so when researching options it is essential that these are checked out. Be sure to check them out on the BBB website, or via the Verify1st tool, before agreeing to anything.

Remember, large loan approvals are one thing, but getting a debt consolidation loan that alleviates the pressure is the purpose behind the exercise. So, be sure to get an affordable deal from a lender that can be trusted.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bankruptcy Personal Loans

It might seem that the hardest thing in the world to do is to secure a loan after having been declared bankrupt. In fact, there are options available to bankruptees, and those who have recently come out of that status. But when applying for a post bankruptcy personal loan, there are certain issues that need to be addressed. There is no point in denying that bankruptcy does not have a negative effect on the status of loan applicants. Lenders are more cautious about submissions from them, but it is worth noting that they are interested mainly in understanding the reasons for bankruptcy rather than the fact itself. That is why loan approval after bankruptcy is possible.

So, what are the points to consider and factors to pay most attention to when seeking a personal loan in these circumstances? Few are really any different to normal, but qualifying for the loans in the first place usually requires some extra effort if lenders are to trust your commitment to repaying a loan is intact.

Your Negative Image

In truth, that image of irresponsibility is the first matter that needs to be addressed before applying for a post bankruptcy personal loan. While lenders are willing to hear applicants out regarding the reasons for filing for bankruptcy, they are still concerned that that route is seen as an easy option when things get difficult.

When assessing your application, lenders will take a careful look at why bankruptcy was sought, and this can affect their impression. For example, if there was a history of purchasing, it suggests a foolish attitude towards money. But if there was an unexpected redundancy, then it suggests bad luck. The latter reason is most likely not to impede the quest for loan approval after bankruptcy.

Also, setting about improving your credit rating before submitting your personal loan application can play a big part in getting the green light. This can be done by taking out a small payday loan and repaying it immediately. These are indicators rather than any grand gestures.

Other Moves To Improve Credit Rating

The issue with bankruptcy is that it effectively bans the bankruptee from securing credit deals for a period of time - usually 2 years. However, the stigma remains for up to a decade, so there is a challenge in securing a post bankruptcy personal loan.

The only reason that a payday loan might be secured is that it is granted on the back of an upcoming paycheck, with payments taken directly from the bank account of the borrower. It means the chances of default are extremely low. But there are other steps that can help to secure approval after bankruptcy.

For example, take out a secured credit card. This is easy to get as the card limit is covered by a deposit, so banks are willing to grant them despite bankruptcy. Repaying the interest every month without fail also sends the right image, thus helping when it comes to applying for a personal loan. Opening a savings account and making deposits in it regularly is also a good idea.

Use A Cosigner

Finally, arguably the best thing to do to convince a lender to grant a post bankruptcy personal loan is to find a cosigner. This is someone who promises to make repayments if the borrower is not able to make it, so there is a guarantee that the repayments will be made without fail.

If the cosigner qualifies for approval - with an excellent credit history behind them and a good income - then it is easy to secure approval after bankruptcy. However, it is essential that the right person is found - and this can be the challenge. But to get a personal loan under the circumstances, it is the best bet.