Startup Funding - Funding to turn your vision into reality.
Startup Funding is provided to foster a concept, develop the initial product or service and carry out the associated marketing.
In most cases, it is provided by angel or private investors - a primary source for emerging businesses needing to get started.
If you fit this description, what terms are you willing to accept for the investment? ##Are you willing to share control with others?
##Are you willing to share confidential information with prospective investors?
##Do your financial statements and records accurately reflect the operation?
##Are you willing to give up a large ownership stake in the company?
##Does your business have the ability to deliver an investment return of at least 30% to investors?
##Is there a clear path to potentially exit the investment within three years?
##Is the total market size at least $1 billion?
##Does the business have the ability to be one of the top three competitors in its industry?
##Have the technology and business strategies been validated through past experience or independent experts?
##Are you willing to accept the recruitment of additional executives to the business?